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September 10, 2015


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Excellent and hilarious! This should be used as a marriage manual for those contemplating matrimony, for a taste of what lies ahead.

Also, perhaps your hearing is better than you let on ;-)



You put shobha de to shame. She was transparent and you are subtle but the message is the same!

Ness Pesikaka

Dear Raja,

My Mother-by-law was no battle axe, in fact she was a real darling who adored and spoilt me; as her daughter has been doing since the last 55+1.1/2 years.

Her regret, if any, was that we did not have to go through the diaper stage!

Enjoyed your tuition in matrimonial progression!




I wonder how Vijay knows about the writings of Shobaa De! I thought he was above all that!!

Raja Ramakrishnan

you live to learn ,Kamini. obviously he likes full revelation and not subtileties!

Ness Pesikaka


We call ourselves a deaf and dumb family - Perin is deaf and I am dumb.

Time for your evening libation!



Ness Pesikaka

Something is wrong with the setting of the time, it is now 6.57p.m.!

L. Vasudev

Greatly enjoyed the writing and the life like scenes.It was like being there and sometimes like becoming Krish! Since you have already done the screen play, perhaps our Madras Club actors could stage it! Well done and look forward to more episodes of Radha & Krish!

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