You are amazed at the number of words in the English language with origin in ancient Greek language. The Greeks had an amazing ability of in infusing their language,words and plays and debate with human emotions. Watching their plays you are a participant emotionally with the actors. Only centuries later Will Shakespeare was able to recreate some of this ethos in his language and play
One of the Old Greek words which is widely used in English today is MORON. It seems to have become popular in the early 20th century and widely used by the Americans as term of contempt for persons whom they consider an idiot. A very succcint word conveying a poor opinion of another person intelligence and an utter contempt for him. A very effective word if you are able to shout down your opponent and he does not have a gun with him. Most effective and safe if you are talking about somebody who is not present.
The statistics of Moron usage indicates that while its usage is down from the early twentieth century it is still very high. So it is surprising that Trump has not used the word to describe his opponents. Or that matter any of the candidates. It makes you wonder whether the usage has retreated behind doors. Is it the libel laws or have the Americans become more civil in public? This would not have bothered a Reagan! Trump cannot stand being called a Moron in return.
This where down to earthy English words come in handy. Without recourse to a gun you can carry on arguing till one gets tired ans slinks away. It has not the finality of using MORON and keeps your finger from the trigger. But Americans do not have the patience .
'Sir you are an Idiot'.
'Sir your are a double distilled Idiot'.
'Sir You are purest multiple distilled Idiot'.
This goes on till one of them slinks away to the Loo and disappears. The other slinks to the bar and has double Polish Rum and drops down. Next morning they have forgotten the last evening and greet each other. (Based on Dickens Pickwick Papers).
I have a friend of mine in New York whose use of the MORON had set up a new record.Driving in New York it was a constant tirade of Morons against any who overtook him. Opponents in arguments were all Morons. All of a sudden he stopped using the word and no body knew why . It took us a long time to work out the mystery. As all New Yorkers after two decades of marriage (if your marriage lasted that long or earlier if it did not ) he acquired a labrador as a pet and companion. One early snowy winter morning, during a run in the park Roger, the lab, misbehaved and was scolded as a Moron. Roger just sat down and refused to move till he was appeased. From that day my friend stopped using the word.
Greek words seem affect even pet's psyche. Moron is one of the many Greek word which seems to breath life and ethos and it is a pity that the American presidential candidates have shunned it.
Raja Ramakrishnan
19th July 2016
Ha ha Appa! The moron tirade continues, as strongly as ever! So many new morons on the horizon.
Will certainly share with you-know-who!
Posted by: Kamini | July 19, 2016 at 08:27 AM
Ha! I wonder what inspired this? By the way, in psychology the hierarchy for mental retardation is Idiot, Imbecile and Moron in that order of stupidity.
Posted by: Vijay | July 19, 2016 at 08:40 AM
EXCELLENT! Probably, the above mentioned friend is having some doubts, whether others are using the term about him. So he has stopped using it.
Posted by: Alamelu | July 19, 2016 at 08:48 AM
Brilliant! There's a certain couple in Thiruvanmyur who also also liberally use the word to describe other fellow occupants of the road. It has a wonderful ring to it, so satisfying, definite and compete!
Posted by: flowergirl | July 19, 2016 at 12:51 PM
On our roads we have moroffs and morons; including our cops.
Posted by: Ness | August 02, 2016 at 03:06 AM
Ha ha ha, I enjoyed that.
Posted by: Raji | September 02, 2016 at 08:15 AM